Friday, September 24, 2010

Stage Right

Starry moon casting shadows on the clouds
Floating through endless nothing
Oblivion awaiting light flashes
Streaking across the sky.

Some try to kiss you
But they duly miss
The mark.

Avoidance of light casted paintings
Shine across a dark and ominous sea
As waves one by one pull up
To strike.

No one can predict
What is to happen
Only can they smell
The smelling salt.

And as soon as we won it
We had lost the west
All but Oregon.

Light streaks cross a starry moon
Kissing the water as a disaster is in the making
Waves rock and turn,
The sky becomes darker,
Then leaves the moon-
Glorious exit stage right.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lessons from Sky Circles

Circle in the sky
Obstructed sound
Blinking lights
Of Darkness

Light's falling grace
In last hours of day
Spoke to me
And it said:

"The answer lies not
In what we do
But what we are
How that defines us
Never forget"

It whispered in its dying howl
And then Darkness whispered:

"Our only superhuman quality
Is but forgiveness.
Never forget."

Spoke Darkness as it came to life
Followed by Moon and Friends.

They sang a long time 'fore
Darkness whispered
"Never Forget"
And died.

Then the sun and Light was reborn
And we started again.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The mission of Harvest Moon Poetrics is to accomplish the goal of Mike Hand, a student of poetry and music, to express his love of nature, particularly the night sky, by writing poetry about what he, and his dog, see within the four fences and unclear view of there back yard. All feed back would be loved.

-Michael Hand

Observations on night sky and imagination 9/22

Sun sets on the water
Frozen clocks on the beach
Waving winds break the silence
And so do the tiny waves.

Silence enjoyed no more
Except as a million sit and stare
In silence.

Water's crashing cruise
Not present on the shore
Seagulls flying above.

A shadow rises up on the waves
A whale breaks the water
For Monday's last rest.

Red moon and red leaves
Slowly, rise as crickets hum
And no stars shine on red and black backdrop.

Hope's release slow and steady
Beneath the harvest moon
Does a black dog walk
And all things block star.